Looking Into Las Vegas Pigeon Control Methods Could Prevent Disease
Large pigeon populations always bring two things with them, property damage and disease. That is why it is very important to look into pigeon control as soon as you notice that you have a pigeon problem. Anything from an excess of pigeon droppings on the property, to a family of pigeons nesting in your roof can make you more susceptible. Having a lot of pigeons living around your property might end up causing someone to get very sick. Keep reading to find out how pigeons can spread disease, and how Las Vegas pigeon control methods could prevent that!
Why You Should Hire A Professional To Clean Up Pigeon Droppings
Professionals will always take a lot of precautionary measures when it comes to cleaning up pigeon droppings, and bird/nest removal. They do this because pigeons carry quite a few diseases; and their dander, their droppings, nesting parasites and more could all get you sick from contact. Most “bird diseases” are airborne, which makes them very easily transferable. It is not safe for you to do your own nest removal, handle birds, or do your own bird dropping removal. It’s very important that you invest in making your property safe, and that you look into Las Vegas pigeon control methods so your pigeon problem doesn’t return.
Common Diseases Spread By Pigeons
Although death from contracting a disease from a pigeon is not very common, many of these illnesses affect your respiratory system and can be very dangerous. Below are a few of the more well known diseases that pigeons and their parasites carry.
- E-Coli And Salmonellosis – Pigeon droppings are very nutrient dense, and are a great breeding ground for microorganisms especially in a large amount. If this is a problem that you are having on your property your risk for being affected by E-Coli and other bacteria related illnesses have gone up. E-Coli is common in pigeons droppings, and once the birds find their way into a water supply, or the AC system you’re in trouble. Drinking contaminated water, or eating food that has harmful bacteria from the dust in the air can make you very sick.
- Cryptococosis And Histoplasmosis – Both Crptococosis and Histoplasmosis are transmitted through contact with pigeon feces. These illness come when yeast, or fungus from the pigeons intestines is ingested. It is most common for these cases to become apparent after improper nest/bird/dropping removal; or in homes with a roosting bird near the AC unit. Do not hesitate to take care of a pigeon problem before it affects your health!
- Canadisis – Candisis is another yeast or fungus related infection. However Canadisis often has both internal and external targets. Ingesting this bacteria can cause skin and mouth infections and allergic reactions. Cases involving intestinal disease, and the respiratory system have also been seen. Canadisis attack the urogenital tract, making this infection especially hard on women.
Watch Out For Pigeons And Parasites
Besides being aware of pigeons themselves, you need to keep an eye out for their parasites. Most of these bugs are usually harmless. However living in such close proximity to pigeons exposes them to a variety of possible diseases. Meaning a bite from one of these guys might leave you a little bit more than irritated. With pigeons around parasites like bed-bugs, ticks, bird mites, and mealworms, are that much closer to getting in your home. If you notice a pigeon problem on your property don’t hesitate to look into the different Las Vegas pigeon control methods. It could be saving you from having to deal with an infestation as well!